Marius Roland

Postdoctoral researcher at Polytechnique Montreal supervised by Prof. Thibaut Vidal.

Address: André-Aisenstadt Pavillon, 2920 Tour Road, Montreal, Quebec H3T 1N8, Office 5487.

About Me

I studied Mathematical Engineering at the Université catholique de Louvain, Belgium, where I received my Bachelor’s degree in 6/2017 and my Master’s degree in 6/2019. Afterwards, I received a PhD from Universität Trier where I was supervised by Prof. Martin Schmidt. During my PhD studies my research focused on adaptive refinement algorithms for optimization problems arising in energy transport networks. Recently, I started a Postdoctoral position at Polytechnique Montreal supervised by Prof. Thibaut Vidal. I am interested in doing research at the interface of optimization, artificial intelligence, and energy networks. A specific topic for which I currently show a lot of interest is exact algorithms constructed to iteratively solve smaller size surrogate of models that approximate a more resalistic but hard to solve model.
